How to use Twitter to collaborate with WalkingMalta

1. Create a new tweet.

2. Add an image of your walk. Use your camera or upload a previous picture saved on your device.

3. Include some #hashtags to explain your pedestrian experience. Please, use one of these predefined variables (to help with data analysis):

For positive experiences: #Safe, #Comfortable, #Pleasant, #Vibrant.

For negative experiences: #Unsafe, #Uncomfortable, #Unpleasant, #Dull.

4. Then, you can include your own #hashtags to explain what influenced your experience. (This example contains #trees, #people, #Nocars and #noise, but you could use any other)

5. Add the location of the place that appears in your picture. Make sure you allow Twitter to access your device's location.

You can use the Check-in function or just write the name of the locality or the street in your comments.

This information is very important for our spatial analysis and without it your post cannot be added to our WalkingMalta webmap!

6. Share your tweet. Once your information is processed it will be part of our WalkingMalta webmap!